Thursday, November 3, 2011

Challenge #8 - The Winner Is...

Thanks for sending so many great Autumn pictures! I have to admit, we have some cute people in our family. I waited a little longer to post the winner so that we could add a few current pictures to the mix... sorry for the delay. But wait no more, I have a winner! Congratulations....

Um, well... this one is a little tricky. My mom submitted this photo, but the subjects are Damon and Caleb. So as I see it we have three potential winners this week! I know how competitive this family is, so here's my suggestion; cage match. I kind of think Caleb can take the other two...

As that gets sorted out, I'll work on the next challenge. This is the first time I don't have one lined up already! Maybe I shouldn't actually publish that, but it's true and I'm feeling totally honest at 3 AM. If you have any great ideas, please send them my way. For example, does anyone know how to set up an elaborate baby pool? And by "baby pool" I mean the gambling device, not the inflatable water hazard. I feel like the next post should definitely be baby-centered!