Thursday, November 3, 2011

Challenge #8 - The Winner Is...

Thanks for sending so many great Autumn pictures! I have to admit, we have some cute people in our family. I waited a little longer to post the winner so that we could add a few current pictures to the mix... sorry for the delay. But wait no more, I have a winner! Congratulations....

Um, well... this one is a little tricky. My mom submitted this photo, but the subjects are Damon and Caleb. So as I see it we have three potential winners this week! I know how competitive this family is, so here's my suggestion; cage match. I kind of think Caleb can take the other two...

As that gets sorted out, I'll work on the next challenge. This is the first time I don't have one lined up already! Maybe I shouldn't actually publish that, but it's true and I'm feeling totally honest at 3 AM. If you have any great ideas, please send them my way. For example, does anyone know how to set up an elaborate baby pool? And by "baby pool" I mean the gambling device, not the inflatable water hazard. I feel like the next post should definitely be baby-centered!


  1. Caleb has informed me that he would like the prize to go to grandma Debbie as he and Jaden are still enjoying the ninja bag. Also, those were some awesome pictures!

  2. I agree with Damon....awesome family pics!!!
