Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Challenge #4.4 - Where in the World is the Gross Family?

So, in case you haven't heard, an earthquake hit northern Virginia this afternoon! It was very exciting (well, sort of... as exciting as three minutes of rumbling can be), so I'm using that as my excuse for not posting earlier. And don't worry family, Gena can't answer this one! I say that with all the love in the world for Gena, and a great big thanks for her submission of the following picture.

Your clue: This location is not traditionally in an earthquake zone, but it has felt it's fair share of aftershocks over the years. As a matter of fact, there were reports of residents feeling tremors from today's earthquake even though this location is close to 700 miles from the epicenter. The last earthquake to hit this location directly was in 1947, but even though it was the largest reported, the magnitude was not recorded.


  1. Waukesha, or perhaps Lake Geneva?

  2. My guess is Veterans Park in Milwaukee, WI. And I'm pretty sure no one felt any earthquake yesterday in WI.

  3. Wisconsin!!!!! I win!!!!
    Posted by Jenny

  4. Cort I thought of you earlier when Gena said we should have blue cheese burgers.....She still hasn't topped the one you made when we were out in DC. Hope all is well!

  5. Good posts everyone. I don't think it's Wisconsin. My guess would be Colorado. No, wait, that would be more than 700 miles away. Okay, how about New York. Yikes, I don't know the answer to this one. Shoot Gena, where are you with all your brilliant right answers. How can't I piggy back off of nothing?!

  6. I KNOW I KNOW!!!! Oh I bet I CAN'T ANSWER THIS ONE NOW! I am forever doomed!

  7. Yes! I get to announce the winner! First I would like to say that Kyle, if you would like to e-mail Cortney about my cooking decisions then go right ahead, however this blog is not the appropriate way. Second, those of you who put Wisconsin are correct; however the winner is.............


    She got it exactly right! We rented this bike cart at Veteran's Park in Milwaukee! Nice job!

  8. Yeah! I sort of guessed but I could see the lake in the background and have seen those bikes at Veterans Park before!

  9. Um, Gena, you read my mind! I love you Kyle :) You can e-mail me any time!!
